Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fall has arrived....

.....and the winter holiday shows are starting up. Please come and visit my booth at the Edmonds Unitarian Church November 3 & 4 2007
Best of the Northwest November 16. - November 18. 2007
Phinney Neigborhood Assoc. December 1. and 2. 2007

We all are preparing for the big holiday of the year. Come and choose unique arts and craft gifts on the arts fair circle. Everything made local , by local artists and crafters.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

July in the North West

Dear friends,
July arrived in the North West. The most beautiful time. We will go out to the islands to sell our wares.
July 4th we are in Lopez island
July 14 and 15th in Langley Whidbey Island
July 21 and 22nd Camano Island
July 28 and 29 we will sell in Ballard / Seattle

So please come and see me if you would like some very unique jewelry for yourself or some friend of yours.
Enjoy this beautiful season, get out and celebrate life.
yours truly Beatrice / Beate Degen

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

So spring finally arrived and I am glad for the warm sunbeams. Winter in the Northwest can be long and dark. Even so Summer is our busiest time I always long for those warm, long days. When the ocean glitters in the sun an the valleys are full with colorful gardens.
The summer shows are lining up and I can tell you where we will be selling our wares.
May 12 & 13 Olympia WA
May 19 &20 U-Destrict Seattle WA
May 25 -28 Folklife Seattle WA

July 14 7 15 Langley WA

and in between we will be in Bellingham on the local Farmers Market.
Hey folks BY LOCAL

Time of preparing for the crafts circle is full blast going

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today it is raining again in the beautiful North West. So I was working!!
Check out my work on my website
and just that you get a taste of what it is I do most of my time I post on of my pieces.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

...what is it that we are looking for ??? every day ???
fullfillment... purpose... meaning.???
hey... is it meening to be a jeweler.. that is what I am and made a living with..
or is it to be a mother.. what I am and was for the last 21 years... or is it to be a wife and lover ... what I still am or .... is it to be a poet and a musician... what I was also my whole life....
well I think it is all of the above and much more..
I am a traveller , have been for a long time this time ... and on this beautiful planet. We all are just looking for peace and purpose and harmony.
Thats it!
welcome to my blog!!!!!
the earthworth jewels and the songwriter Beate Degen
or call me Bee

what life has to offer .....