Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today it is raining again in the beautiful North West. So I was working!!
Check out my work on my website
and just that you get a taste of what it is I do most of my time I post on of my pieces.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

...what is it that we are looking for ??? every day ???
fullfillment... purpose... meaning.???
hey... is it meening to be a jeweler.. that is what I am and made a living with..
or is it to be a mother.. what I am and was for the last 21 years... or is it to be a wife and lover ... what I still am or .... is it to be a poet and a musician... what I was also my whole life....
well I think it is all of the above and much more..
I am a traveller , have been for a long time this time ... and on this beautiful planet. We all are just looking for peace and purpose and harmony.
Thats it!
welcome to my blog!!!!!
the earthworth jewels and the songwriter Beate Degen
or call me Bee

what life has to offer .....